Friday, November 30, 2007

Welcome to my Blog!

Hello Class of 2011,

Welcome to my first ever blog!!! As a new teacher at CHS, it has been especially fun to experience all the many "firsts" of the school year together with you! I have enjoyed checking out your awesome blogs about your experiences at CHS and now I feel honored to create a virtual classroom community with you.

I envision this blog as a chance to weigh in on topics discussed in class as well as recent events at school. Just this week, there have been many important things going on that are worth commenting on. Monday, we began our latest course Historiography, with the question what is history? We have attempted to define history through symbolic/milestone objects that represent important events in our lives. Tuesday, students brought objects to class for analysis by their peers. Wednesday, we began presenting our objects, and then afterschool, we celebrated the season with our first after school dance! Yesterday, we shared the amazing experience of traveling to our nation's capital for a special tour of the Supreme Court, Capitol Hill and the National Archives. As a class, you were an incredibly informed, engaged and professional group for what was one of the most important events of the school year. Today, members of students and faculty senate proceeded over the first case of the school's history and debated the constitutionality of our second school elections.

What was your favorite part of the week?